Peer Support Volunteer

Action for Children
Torquay, Devon, United Kingdom

We are looking for dedicated reliable volunteers to assist within our services, in the Family Hubs and across the community.

What we need you to do.

  • To offer support and encouragement to parents as directed by the parent themselves and where appropriate, signpost to further professional support. 
  • Talk with parents and carers whilst visiting the Family Hubs and community activities/groups
  • Signpost or refer families as necessary to relevant professionals
  • Attend groups themselves and are active participants
  • Share key messages relevant to their area of knowledge
  • Work closely with others to encourage all parents, including fathers, to access support appropriate to their needs.
  •  Increase awareness and knowledge for families to decrease the stigma and fear associated with asking for help or support.

You will meet a range of new people and be filled with a sense of satisfaction, knowing that you have helped make an unforgettable, positive difference to parents, babies and families.

We have roles available in the following areas:

  • Infant feeding
  • SEND
  • Emotional wellbeing
  • Parenting

What skills & Experience do you need?

To be a peer supporter you must have lived experience of the area you would like to be a peer supporter and committed to undertake accredited training. 

Be friendly and have a good sense of humour. 

- Have a non-judgemental attitude. 
- Be Reliable. 
- Be confident.
- Have unconditional positive regard without bias when working with parents.
- To be inclusive and respectful of different social, ethical, cultural and religious backgrounds- helping to create a safe space for all parents.  
What we can offer:

The opportunity to be part of a proven and effective service supporting families, providing a rewarding volunteering experience 

  • Regular training and development opportunities 
  • An excellent opportunity to build skills and experience in a Social Care environment.
  • We can be a reference for any future endeavours. 
  • Access to exclusive volunteer benefits. 
What we ask of you:
• To provide two references from non-family members and other relevant documents related to the role.
• To keep to all the charity’s policies and guidelines.
• To complete an induction and any training relating to the role. 

If you have any further questions about the role, or need assistance with application form then please contact familyhubtorbay@actionforchildren.org.uk  or 01803 210200