It's tough out there - read this

Tips for jobseekers currently navigating a difficult job market

It's tough out there right now...

The market probably feels a little harder than ever. With rising competition, economic uncertainty, and evolving hiring practices, many people are finding it harder than ever to secure their dream role, their next step or even getting back to the world of work because many have been out of work for longer than they anticipated. If you’re one of the thousands of people searching for work in Devon, you’re not alone, and the challenges you’re facing are real.

Here’s a closer look at why the job market is so tough right now, and what you can do to navigate these challenges successfully.

1. Economic uncertainty

The ongoing impact of global economic fluctuations has left employers cautious. Many are scaling back recruitment plans or adopting temporary hiring freezes, particularly in sectors like tech, finance, and retail. This means fewer opportunities, even as jobseekers remain plentiful.

2. Increased applications per role

With fewer vacancies on the market, competition for each role has skyrocketed. Employers are often inundated with hundreds, if not thousands, of applications for a single position, leaving jobseekers struggling to stand out in the crowd. And frustrated at the lack of responses and the sheer amount of ghosting.

3. Shift in hiring practices

Employers are becoming more selective, often seeking candidates with very specific skills or extensive experience. In many cases, they’re turning to automation to streamline the process, meaning some CVs may never even make it to a human reviewer. Sad, but true.

4. Evolving employer expectations

The modern workplace is changing rapidly. Employers increasingly look for niche skills like coding, data analysis, or social media expertise, often leaving applicants without these skills at a disadvantage.

5. Skills gaps

Rapid changes in technology and the workplace mean that some industries are facing skills shortages, while others are saturated with talent. Jobseekers may find their current skills don’t align with the demands of the roles they’re targeting.

How does this impact jobseekers? This challenging environment can take its toll, both practically and emotionally:

• Financial Stress: Prolonged job searches mean prolonged gaps in income.

• Self-Doubt: Constant rejections or lack of responses can chip away at confidence.

• Fatigue: The effort of crafting CVs, writing cover letters, and attending interviews can feel like a full-time job in itself, with no guarantee of success.

So, how can you stay ahead in such a challenging market? Well, despite the challenges, there are ways to boost your chances and keep moving forward.

Refine your job search 

Instead of applying for every role you see, focus on quality over quantity. Tailor your CV and cover letter to each job, highlighting the skills and experience most relevant to the role. It's annoying but it's a must these days. Use AI to your advantage ;)

Upskill and reskill

Take advantage of free or affordable online courses to boost your skills in areas like digital marketing, data analysis, or project management. Showing a commitment to learning can make you more appealing to employers.

Build your network

Networking is one of the most effective ways to uncover job opportunities. Attend industry events, connect with professionals on LinkedIn, and let people in your network know you’re looking for work. Think about local businesses that you'd like to work for and reach out to them directly.

Use niche job boards

While large job boards are useful, they can be overwhelming. Niche job boards tailored to specific industries or regions (like JobsInDevon for local opportunities) can help you find roles where your application won’t get lost in the noise.

Stay resilient

Rejection is part of the process, but it’s not a reflection of your worth. Focus on what you can control—improving your applications, preparing for interviews, and building your skills.

Looking ahead:

While the job market is tough now, it won’t be this way forever. Economic conditions will stabilise, businesses will grow more confident, and opportunities will return. The key is to stay proactive and adaptable, taking small but consistent steps to position yourself for success when the tide turns.

Remember: Every application, interview, and networking effort is an investment in your future. It’s not easy, but with perseverance, the right opportunity will come your way.

Good luck, friends.