Here’s how to approach the conversation with your employer:
- Know your rights The government has recently changed the laws and any employee now has the legal right to request flexible working from day one. This doesn’t guarantee your request will be approved, but your employer must consider it. Make sure you’re aware of your rights before you open the conversation.
- Be prepared Before you ask, do your homework and know what would work best for you. If you're already in the role, will there be any impact on your colleagues or clients? Being prepared to answer these sort of questions will show that you’ve thought this through.
- Put it in writing When you’re ready to make the request, put it in writing. Explain the flexible working arrangement you’re interested in, why you’re requesting it, and how you’ll ensure your work is still completed effectively. If you’re not sure how to phrase it, there are plenty of templates available online to help you get started.
- Be flexible yourself Remember, flexible working is a two-way street. Be open to negotiation and willing to find a solution that works for everyone.
- Don't wait until you're in the role It's perfectly reasonable, and acceptable, to talk about flexible arrangements during the interview process. In fact, most recruiters will expect it these days. Not all job descriptions are entirely clear so if it's important to you, then ask upfront.
Flexible working is all about finding the right balance between your job and your life. Whether you’re looking to cut down on commuting, spend more time with family, or just have a bit more control over your schedule, there’s a flexible working option that can suit your needs. By knowing your options and approaching the conversation thoughtfully, you can take a big step toward creating a work-life balance that really works for you.