Seasonal work in Devon

  • Published on 05/06/2024

Devon’s charm as a holiday spot makes it a prime spot for seasonal employment. From summer tourism peaks to winter farming cycles, seasonal work plays a significant role in the local job market. If you’re considering seasonal employment in Devon or are curious about how it shapes the job market, this guide will provide you with key insights and practical advice.

Seasonal employment in Devon

Seasonal work in Devon is largely driven by its key industries: tourism, agriculture, and hospitality. Each season brings unique opportunities and challenges, impacting both employers and job seekers.

1. Tourism: Devon is a popular tourist destination, particularly in the summer months when visitors flock to its beaches and countryside. This surge in tourism creates a spike in demand for seasonal roles in hospitality, retail, and customer service. From lifeguards and tour guides to hotel staff and restaurant servers, there are numerous opportunities to explore during the tourist season.

2. Agriculture: Farming is another major employer in Devon, with seasonal roles often tied to planting, harvesting, and livestock care. Spring and summer see a rise in demand for agricultural workers, while the winter months may focus more on maintenance and preparation for the next cycle.

3. Hospitality: With its abundance of charming bed-and-breakfasts, inns, and restaurants, the hospitality sector in Devon also experiences seasonal fluctuations. Peak seasons, such as holidays and festivals, require additional staff to manage the influx of guests.

Statistics and trends in seasonal employment

Recent data highlights the significant role of seasonal work in Devon’s economy. According to a study by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), seasonal jobs account for approximately 20-30% of the employment in tourism-heavy regions like Devon. This percentage can vary depending on the season and sector.

  • Summer peaks: During the summer months, tourism and hospitality jobs see a substantial increase. For instance, job postings in the hospitality sector can rise by up to 40% compared to off-peak months.
  • Winter changes: Conversely, winter months might see a decrease in tourism-related roles but an uptick in agricultural work, particularly in preparation and maintenance.

The demand for seasonal work can also vary based on local events and festivals, which create temporary job opportunities in event management, catering, and entertainment.

Benefits and challenges of seasonal work


  • Flexibility: Seasonal roles often offer flexible working hours, which can be ideal for students, retirees, or those seeking temporary employment.
  • Experience: These roles provide valuable experience and skills that can enhance your resume and open doors for future opportunities.
  • Local connections: Working in a community-based seasonal job can help you build connections and integrate into local life.


  • Job security: Seasonal positions are temporary by nature, which can mean periods of unemployment between seasons.
  • Income stability: The fluctuating nature of seasonal work can affect income stability, requiring careful financial planning.
  • Transitioning: Moving from one seasonal job to another or finding year-round employment can be challenging without a solid plan.

Tips for securing seasonal employment in Devon

1. Start early: Begin your job search well before the season starts. Many employers begin hiring months in advance, especially for summer and holiday positions.

2. Tailor your application: Highlight any relevant experience in tourism, hospitality, or agriculture. Customise your CV and cover letter to reflect the specific skills needed for the seasonal role you're applying for.

3. Network locally: Connect with local businesses, attend job fairs, and join community groups to learn about seasonal opportunities. Word of mouth can be a powerful tool in finding the right position.

4. Stay flexible: Be open to various roles and locations within Devon. Flexibility can increase your chances of securing a job and gaining diverse experiences.

5. Plan finances: Budget wisely and plan for periods between seasonal jobs. Consider saving during peak seasons to cover off-peak months.

Seasonal employment in Devon offers a dynamic and enriching experience, providing a chance to engage with the local community and enjoy the region’s natural beauty while gaining valuable work experience. By understanding the trends and preparing accordingly, job seekers can make the most of the opportunities that seasonal work presents.

Whether you’re a student looking for summer work, a retiree seeking part-time employment, or simply someone interested in exploring Devon’s job market, seasonal roles offer a unique way to engage with this vibrant region. So, get ready to embrace the rhythm of Devon’s seasons and make the most of the job opportunities that come with each change.